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Wednesday 14 August 2024

English Benefits Speakers Simplest Language In The World . . .

If many people give up on the English language, it’s because of the grammar. The grammar comes from the sounds of the language. The rules of grammar are often broken because there are many exceptions in the English language. Also, coming from French and German sources, English remains language which often breaks its own rules!

Commentary And Analysis . . . No one believes when we say that English was the simplest language in the world.

Then, we point out that English probably became international language because it’s apparently the simplest. It grew through loanwords from Latin (50 per cent), French (30 per cent), Greek (10 per cent) and two Germanic dialects and other languages and dialects (10 per cent).

In Asia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines all master English as their most common second language.

English has vocabulary of 170K words. Tamil, difficult language, has 385K words.

Likewise, Javanese did not became the official language in Indonesia because others found it difficult. Sudanese was also equally difficult for others.

So, the people in the Archipelago used Bahasa Melayu from Johor, Rhio and Lingga as lingua franca. The status was actually created by Hindu and Buddhist traders, missionaries, administrators and teachers by borrowing loanwords, for Khmer dialect, from Tamil, Sanskrit and Pali.

Bahasa Melayu, however, has only 20K words.

Bahasa Malaysia has 40K words.

Bahasa Indonesia has 127K words.

There are many Articles on the English language in the Internet.

Grammar . . .

If many people give up on the English language, it’s because of the grammar. The grammar comes from the sounds of the language. The rules of grammar are often broken because there are many exceptions in the English language. Also, coming from French and German sources, they are not on the same page, and English remains language which often breaks its own rules.

Grammar checkers are not more than 60 per cent accurate on the English language.

Listening skills help improve grammar.

The rules of grammar come in later.

Turn on the news on radio, not TV, for ten minutes every day. Listen. The grammar skills will improve. It would take at least two years for attaining minimum standard.

Make it lifelong habit.

Visit the rules of grammar -- it's like traffic rules which help prevent accidents -- but only after listening skills improve. Listening skills are about training the ears on the sounds of the language.

TV must be avoided when training the ears on the sounds of the language.

TV, and reading story books as much as possible, would be useful for comprehension skills.

42 Sounds . . .

English has 42 sounds but no writing. It may have had early form of writing which was abandoned.

It uses the 26 Roman alphabets. Alpha became the first letter in Greek, Beta the second letter.

English, by using 26 letters for producing 42 sounds, isn't written as spoken.

Old English remains German.

Middle English can be seen in "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Modern English begins with William Shakespeare.

It’s in history that the English language began in England as Angles and Saxon viz. two Germanic dialects from northern Germany.

England comes from Angleland.

German say Englander.

The English speaking people are also known as Anglo Saxon. There’s no English genes. DNA remains warehouse for genes viz. the instruction manual for making species based on energy, intelligence and luck.

There are no genes for blue, grey and green eyes and blonde hair. Pigment cells are immune system recreation when sunlight falls on the skin. The immune system creates pigment cells which unleash melanin which protects the eyes, hair and skin from burning up in the sun.

Blue, grey and green eyes and blonde hair were exposed when the brown genes disappeared.

Buddha, it’s often not known, had blue eyes, goldfish hue skin and hair worn in small curls.

The brown genes disappeared, for the first time, in the mountain valleys in the north near where Buddha was born.

All human being — homo sapiens — have the same DNA separated from cucumber and pig by less than one per cent.

Human being are protected from other species on procreation by genetic barrier spanning millions of years.

Extended Term . . .

WASP, white Anglo Saxon protestant, remains an extended term which includes the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

English comes within the Indo-European linguistic system which has four mother tongues viz. ancient Sanskrit, ancient Persian, ancient Latin and ancient Greek.

English remains spoken differently in various parts of England, Wales, Scotland, northern Ireland, India, Singapore, China, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and America in the west coast, midwest, east coast and the south.

English has large vocabulary which can also be found in the 40K word Bahasa Malaysia and 127K word Bahasa Indonesia.

Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia includes the 20K word Bahasa Melayu as spoken in Johor, Rhio and Lingga and many loanwords from English.

Bahasa Sabah remains variation of Bahasa Melayu.

Sarawak Malay, linguist Dr Asmah Omar discovered, was variation of the Iban language.

Bahasa Melayu began as Khmer dialect with loanwords from Tamil, Sanskrit and Pali. The Kamus Dewan refers.

Bahasa Indonesia remains one quarter Dutch as spoken in the Archipelago about 500 years ago.

Singapore Story . . .

There's a story here from the Straits Times in Singapore. It was in the form of letter on English speaking in Singapore. The island may be more noted for Singlish i.e. English spoken in Singapore Chinese way.

An American visited McD in Singapore for quick bite.

He was probably the only American there.

The people around him were chatting away but he could not make out anything because it was not in "English".

The more he listened, the more he realised that the people around him were not speaking in "Chinese" or "Bahasa" or "Tamil" etc but in English. He could just about make out what they were saying although spoken in Chinese, Bahasa, or Tamil way. So, he wrote about the experience in letter published in the Straits Times.

The moral of the story may be that people in Malaysia may be speaking better "English" than in Singapore.

There's no reason for two people in Singapore, for example, speaking English in the same way as King Charles in England, Rishi Sunak, Kamala Harris, or Donald Trump.

India . . .

Incidentally, we watch YouTube video in English as spoken in India. We have tough time.

It does not sound like English at all. It sounds like an Indian language. Even the sentence construction isn't in the form of English but in Indian language.

Bahasa . . .

If we just say Bahasa, it's the English way of discussing the Malay language in a non-ethnic or non-racist way.

Bahasa isn't ethnic or racist. Malaysian don't accept Bahasa Melayu because it's racist. No one wants Malay vs non-Malay. Bahasa Malaysia isn't ethnic or racist.

Malay may be seen as ethnic or racist since not all habitual Malay speakers are considered Malay. There are no Malay genes or Malay DNA. The science on evolution has been perfected.

The statements on Malay genes and Malay DNA in the social media are not by subject matter experts.

Read the Definition of Malay in Article 160(2) as "form of identity" based on Muslim, habitually Malay speaking, and born or domiciled in Singapore or Malaya BEFORE Merdeka on 31 Aug 1957.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's family roots, for example, lie in Kerala, southwest India.

Former Prime Minister Najib Razak's family roots, another example, lies in Sulawesi, Indonesia.

In law, the 1st Prong and 2nd Prong in Article 160(2) must be read TOGETHER for Definition of Malay as “form of identity”. Form of identity isn’t about genes or DNA.

All human being -- homo sapiens -- have the same DNA as species protected on procreation from other species by genetic barrier spanning millions of years in evolution. For example, the DNA difference between human being and pig/cucumber may be less than one per cent. Yet, human being cannot mate with pig/cucumber.

English isn't ethnic or racist term. In England, habitual English speakers are considered English. There are no English genes or English DNA.

Outside England, in Malaysia for example, habitual English speakers aren't considered English. The government pins other labels on them.

UK English finds usage in Commonwealth jurisdiction.

American English, for example, isn't King's English.

Bahasa Malaysia, another example, has been emerging as more English and other languages and dialects, and less Malay. Already, Bahasa Malaysia has only 20K Bahasa Melayu words and more than 20K non-Bahasa Melayu words.

Read Kamus Dewan. Both Kamus and Dewan are Sanskrit words.

Eksesais remains the right word in Bahasa Malaysia, based on linguistics, for the English word exercise.

Eksesais remains the way that someone in the kampung would pronounce exercise as English word.

In fact, the Bahasa Malaysia vocabulary may be rapidly developed by taking English, Tamil or Chinese words pronounced in the kampung for new Bahasa Malaysia words.

Acupuncture -- actually French -- in English has become akupuntur in Bahasa Malaysia.

Then, there's mamak (Tamil Muslim), Tah Pau (take away in Chinese) and cincai (not so strict in Chinese). They have become Bahasa Malaysia words. Mamak in Tamil actually means uncle. Mami in Bahasa Malaysia means Tamil Muslim lady.

There are other Bahasa Malaysia words, derived from English, like universiti, aktif, pasif, proaktif, reaktif, sains, matematik, geografi, geologi, teologi, and eksais, among others.

400 Words . . .

We need between 200 and 400 words for English Speaking skills. That's true for most languages.

Those who can't understand the this content can run the text through AI or Google Translate and get better idea.

We wouldn't recommend it since crutches can probably never be abandoned. That means being handicapped for life.

The Google Translate Application can be downloaded from Google Play or Apple Store.

The English language remains best taught by person who knows only English.

No other language should be used in English teaching.

Mother speaks with baby although it knows no language.

Eventually, the baby can speak the mother tongue.

The thinking is in the mother tongue.

Mother tongue is used in habitually speaking i.e. at home.

Then, there are those who habitually speak in certain language at home. It might not be the mother tongue.

They might respond outside the home, by imitation, in the language of the other person, or in Bahasa Malaysia i.e. the "unofficial" official language or in Bahasa Sabah viz. the local variation of Bahasa Melayu as spoken in Johor, Rhio and Lingga.

We habitually speak in English at home. We use no other language although we know few words, or more than few words, in other languages or dialects as well.

English learning must not be done through another language. It risks language which cannot be perfected for perfection in language. The language falls apart in communication.

What's said in English would be communicated in another language in different form of construction.

We have AI which can translate from one language into another. It should not be used, preferably, in language learning.

We use AI for producing Blog stories in Bahasa Malaysia. Google translation isn't perfect. It needs some editing so that the message would not be lost. Even so, Google cannot sometimes translate English, for example, into Bahasa Malaysia, for example. Google Bahasa may be more Bahasa in English way. It isn't Bahasa at all. The spirit of the language may be missing.

That's because we use English English i.e. the King's English. It was previously known as Queen's English.

English English remains very much different from Manglish, Singlish, Chinglish, Hinglish, and the language as spoken in Cornwall in England, Wales, Scotland, northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Quebec (French), and in the US along the west coast (California), midwest, east coast (new England) and the south.

Media . . .

[8/16, 3:00 PM] +60 16-610 xxxx:

In your opinion, you now argue that affairs of other countries are related to Malaysia and therefore qualify as Malaysian issues?

Are you suggesting we dismantle our 3 chatroom concept and allow a "free for all" here?

Admin choose to reply your comment for you to reflect.

It could easily have been taken down instead for transgressing on chatroom objective.

Please have regard for admin effort.

[8/16, 3:38 PM] JF:

The media, being 4th Estate after the legislature, executive and judiciary, takes the cue from public perceptions and covers matters of public concern and matters of public interest and the AG under Article 145.

The media has policy on coverage.

Firstly, everyone was entitled for the proverbial 15 minutes of fame.

Secondly, all local news was important, and must be carried if there's space.

Thirdly, except for elections worldwide and human rights violations or violations of international law, no foreign news was important unless it affects national interest or there's humourous angle.

Fourthly, all elections worldwide must be carried if there's space.

Fifthly, any violations worldwide of human rights and international law was important and must be carried if there's space.

External Related Link . . .

The purpose of the chat group remains about finding out where we can go after the English Speaking Tuition programme.

Students have options . . . whatsApp video, zoom, face2face setting at our place all on Sat and Sun or at Institutions in KK from Mon until Fri. The Institutions would be for those signing up for certificate, Foundation, A Level, diploma and degree.

The tuition programme, based on English Speaking skills, runs for four months. It can be extended every four months until maximum two years.

There are other English language programmes viz. vocabulary building, comprehension, grammar, writing skills, reporting, editing, minute taking and thinking.

Students can also attend bahasa, maths, science, biology, moral and sejerah classes. These subjects, based on request, run Mon until Fri.

We work with Institutions, mostly on standby basis, as subject matter expert on public examination techniques.

This can only be about interpreting the educational blueprint, curriculum, syllabus, text and topics for lectures and tutorials which would be reflected in all testing areas viz. assignment, related presentation, Quiz, project, related presentation, and final exam. Students can get A without memorisation and rote learning.

Extended Group . . .

This chat group, if extended, would be especially suitable for three groups, among others:

four month English programme for school leavers entering tertiary institutions.

The focus would be on comprehension skills and phrases for vocabulary building.

Our English Speaking Tuition programme would be more suitable for Others. That’s the focus of this chat group. Between 200 and 400 words may be enough for speaking skills.

The focus at the Asrama for Form One and above would be on writing skills and literature. The rest would fall in place.

Writing skills isn’t about Speaking skills.

If English was spoken rapidly, it wouldn’t sound like English at all.

The English language remains best taught by person who knows only English.

No other language should be used in English teaching.

Mother speaks with baby although it knows no language.

Eventually, the baby can speak the mother tongue.

The thinking is in the mother tongue.

Mother tongue is used in habitually speaking i.e. at home.

Then, there are those who habitually speak in certain language at home. It might not be the mother tongue.

They might respond outside the home, by imitation, in the language of the other person, or in Bahasa Malaysia i.e. the “unofficial” official language or in Bahasa Sabah viz. the local variation of Bahasa Melayu as spoken in Johor, Rhio and Lingga.

We habitually speak in English at home. We use no other language although we know few words, or more than few words, in other languages or dialects as well.

English learning must not be done through another language. It risks language which cannot be perfected for perfection in language. The language falls apart in communication.

What’s said in English would be communicated in another language in different form of construction.

We have AI which can translate from one language into another. It should not be used, preferably, in language learning.

We use AI for producing Blog stories in Bahasa Malaysia. Google translation isn’t perfect. It needs some editing so that the message would not be lost. Even so, Google cannot sometimes translate English, for example, into Bahasa Malaysia, for example. Google Bahasa may be more Bahasa in English way. It isn’t Bahasa at all. The spirit of the language may be missing.

That’s because we use English English i.e. the King’s English. It was previously known as Queen’s English.

English English remains very much different from Manglish, Singlish, Chinglish, Hinglish, and the language as spoken in Cornwall in England, Wales, Scotland, northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Quebec (French), and in the US along the west coast (California), midwest, east coast (new England) and the south.

Tongue . . .

When the class starts, the focus in the passage used would be on loosening the tongue, constructing sentences for questions and constructing questions for answers.

We will not be going outside the contents in the passage used in class.

Every class would use new passage.

The focus would be on Speaking Skills, not on the English knowledge, DNA or solving world problems.

The format for the English Speaking Tuition class has been successfully used for 20 years before the pandemic.

It’s tried and tested formula which produces results.

The proof of the pudding remains on the eating.

#english #germanic #latin #french #greek #angles #saxon #anglosaxon #tuition #DNA #genes #bahasa #Indonesia #javanese #sundanese #khmer #tamil #sanskrit #pali

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